
Showing posts from October, 2021

Air Traffic Control Provisions

      Have you ever wondered who controls the traffic in the air when you fly? Just like traffic lights and signs when you drive there must be some way to direct traffic in the air. The way this happens is through Air Traffic Controllers (ATC). These individuals are usually in towers so they can see the whole airport to direct traffic on the ground as well in the nearby airspace (ATC, 2021).      The way they communicate with each other is through radio devices on the aircraft. There are usually two different types that are commonly used, known as Ultra High Frequency (UHF) or Very High Frequency (UHF, 2002). These two different types of communication help them translate information to manage the traffic on the sky and ground.     There are many different ATC entities, the two I will go over will be The North Atlantic Track system (NAT) and North Pacific Route System (NOPAC). Both ATC's control different airspaces. The NAT controls the busiest airspace which links Europe to North A

Pollution in Aviation

    Whenever you hear the word pollution and aircraft in the same sentence you might think of burning fuel. However, this is just one of the many different types of pollution found at airports. I believe that there should be four main category's when discussing aircraft pollution.  Air pollution (fuel consumption) Noise pollution (sound) Water pollution (liquid contaminants) Solid Pollution (Solid Waste)     These are the four main categories that come with running an airport. Even though air pollution has the biggest impact on the overall environment due to the hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel burned a day, the category that is hardest to control as an airport manager would be water pollution. Whenever an aircraft forms ice around any part of the structure it will need to be deiced before take off. This de-ice fluid consists of glycol which is very bad for the environment. As the World Health Organization states " Laboratory tests exposing aquatic organisms to stream

Aviation and Transportation Security Act 2001

      There are many different laws and regulations that coincide with aviation. The Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 affected us in many ways. First we need to understand why congress created this law. The main reason is because of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Towers September 11, 2001. If you are old enough to remember this event, you can understand why there needed to be immediate action.      The first course of action that was implemented was the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001. One of the major changes can be found in section 104, which prohibits anyone from entering the flight deck who is not on a authorized personnel list (Security 2001). According to this section it also requires a rigid door between the cock pit and passenger section (Security 2001). The door must be locked at all times during flight, this prevents the aircraft from being hijacked by terrorists (Security 2001). Section 105 also implements protection of passengers wh

Human Factors in Aviation

      Human factors play a large role in almost every job, especially in the aviation industry. I would define human factors as the concept that none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes, this is what makes us human and we categorize that as human factors.      There are many different elements that make up human factors. Some of these elements could be the workload, skill level, policies and even communication (SNYN, 2020). Having problems in one category can lead to a mistake, but when all of these happen at once things can go wrong. Lets make a team based activity to further show how one or more of these things can affect a job.      Lets say that there are four engine mechanics that are tasked to install an engine on the wing. First we must look at what the workload is like. The lead mechanic who has the most experience must decide how to put the other 3 mechanics in each position for the optimum result. Just because one mechanic has less skill than another, does not mean he nee