The Layers of Security to Protect our Airports

    When most people go to an airport and think about security, usually the first thought to cross their mind is making it through the metal detector and the baggage x-ray machine. But, this is not the only form of security that is in place. There are what is called the 20 layers that make up an airports security. It first begins when purchasing your ticket. When buying your ticket you are at the first layer, which is intelligence. They insure that you are not a known terrorist and you are permitted to travel on an airplane. They also protect your personal information. 

    Explosives Detection Canine

    There is also a canine team that walks around the airport throughout the day. These trained dogs will seek out anyone who made it into the compound with any type of illegal substance. The canine team can even detect a person who is carrying a bomb in a closed bag or suitcase. Sometimes the canine team even put decoys out with explosives to keep the dogs in practice.

    One of the most important and in depth layers is the Federal Air Marshal Service. These are highly trained agents that are placed in different sections of the airport as well as on the planes themselves. They will go where they are most needed, as directed by another one of the layers, the intelligence layer. These intelligence agents can carry weapons and are experts in firearms. With all these layers, we are kept safe to fly in the air. 

Transportation Security Administration (1 August 2017) Inside Look: TSA Layers of Security


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